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The Hollows 2 (2014)


When kindly inviting audience into the scenes

of the performance, The Hollows 2

uses the Zombie as a catalyst to infect the

context and the situation. It is played in darkness,

which is why the recording is not accurate.


Video-link click here


                                                                                    Photo by Joanna Nordahl










Image by Josefin Rasmusson


concept & choreography: Robin Jonsson 

dance: Ludvig Daae, Emma Kim Hagdahl, Robin Jonsson, Linnea Martinsson

sound design: Peter Lenaerts

light design & technique: Arne Lievens

production: wpZimmer (Antwerp)


coproduction: Simulator IF (Stockholm), Kunstencentrum Buda (Kortrijk), MDT (Stockholm)

and with the support of Vooruit (Ghent),  Petra och Karl Erik Hedborgs Stiftelse,

The Swedish Arts Council / Statens Kulturråd,

The swedish arts grant commitee,

The City of Stockholm

and The DEPARTS network (funded by the Culture Programme of the European Commission)

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